Frigid, callous heart Sharp poisonous thorns planted Cackling, eye glinted The wicked nearly prevailed Relieved ‘tis but a bad dream © Anna Jailene Aguilar

Author, Blogger, Poet, Publisher
Author, Blogger, Poet, Publisher
Frigid, callous heart Sharp poisonous thorns planted Cackling, eye glinted The wicked nearly prevailed Relieved ‘tis but a bad dream © Anna Jailene Aguilar
In trance-like state Calling for help–utter pain Hours of trying ends Later cries and tears no more Hospital bed brought comfort © Anna Jailene Aguilar
“Why aren’t you obeying the laws of physics?” he demanded, finally addressing me. I realized a few blocks ago that he was following me but I played it cool. I stopped walking and turned to face him. “How do you know I don’t? And which laws?” “Oh,” he began, a wicked smile on his face, “we… I know.” “Who’s asking? …
It was fate. I knew it was possible for a brief moment to change the course of one’s life. I just didn’t think that Paris would change me that way. It’s meant to be the most romantic city in the world. Wonderful memories to cherish forever were created in France. That was the plan. I arranged a trip to France …
Only the oldest people in town remembered the story of the sea serpent. The young ones didn’t believe in folktales. They wouldn’t go to the village because there was no internet connectivity. Not even the story of the beautiful forest goddess enticed them. One Saturday, out of boredom, four friends decided to go on an adventure. They set out to …
Maria Elena wasn’t necessarily the better poet but she didn’t use her brain only for her art. She was shrewd and street smart. One of the two poets left to battle it out for the coveted ‘Poet of the Decade’, despite the stiff competition, she was more than confident that she would take home the crystal trophy and the …
When it happened, it happened so fast that there was no way to make sense of the scene before me. They showed up, all of them, almost simultaneously. I didn’t get the chance to see from which directions they came and how they arrived. It was surreal. I didn’t know why my spell brought me there. I was in for …
Her road rage was always a source on entertainment for most of her social network friends. For a small woman, she had a lot of fire in her. She had fury. Everyone just assumed it was her lack of patience and tolerance that made her blood boil while on her daily commute. No one considered the “combi taxis” to be …
I was apprehensive about going to the airport. I wasn’t on my way to some exciting assignment. I was going to meet a man from my past. I first saw him while I was covering the story of a hostage drama in this very same airport. He was a hostage taker. I gathered that he was a decorated navy seal. …
“Yes, but last week a dragon almost set my hair on fire, so it’s your turn to negotiate.” Amanda looked resolute. “But I’m sick. My stomach is killing me and my head feels like it’s going to explode. I’ll be vulnerable.” Annabelle’s face was pale and she was squirming in pain. “Can we postpone this?” “We can’t.” Amanda whipped out …